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This person has many bedrooms in their house, and even more bathrooms. Loves dancing and performing for family members, but is too afraid to perform for others. However, he will perform some freaky freaky stuff for the ladies. We're talking S&M, B&B, A&M, and M&M.

Are you going to hang out with Derulo? Ask him to sing for you! He might!

Are you going to hang out with Derulo? Ask him to do some A&M to you! He might!

by DeruloLuva76 January 15, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jason Derulo

Getting down to business and skipping foreplay.

Hey babe, we have 10 minutes until we have to leave. Wanna Jason Derulo?โ€

by Malkavian Queen January 4, 2020

28๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Milltron DeRulo

That pale ass nigga wit metal legs who always be munchin on potato chips and watching ghost adventures.

Dang, he is Milltron DeRulo. You can tell by them metal legs.

by mstapor April 9, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jason Derulo

A black R&B singer and dancer from Florida, Miami, famous with his pretty catchy single 'Whatcha Say'. Looks like the next Chris Brown.

Josh: Hey how's your date with that hottie?
Mike: Mmmm whatcha say?
Josh: I said how's your date with that hottie?
Mike: Mmm that you only meant well?
Josh: Say what?
Mike: Well of course you did. Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say). Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say.
Josh: Man, you're so Jason Derulo!

by damsel.cosmic March 18, 2010

223๐Ÿ‘ 162๐Ÿ‘Ž

jason derulo

1) a black r&b singer who tries too hard to be Michael Jackson (Seriously, have you seen him! He's always wearing one white glove and a red leather jacket. Also the way he dances and the random "UHHS" and "HIHIES" in his songs) His songs are also mostly him just singing over other peoples music (Bittersweet Symphony, Hide and Seek)
2) something you say when your tired of sitting around saying nothing with friends.For the full affect, you have to say it like he does is the beginning of "In My Head" (JAY-SSSON DAA-ROU-LOWW)

1)Amy: My gawd, did you see Jason Derulo's new music video? It's him singing over Single Ladies wearing a fedora hat!
Brad: No, but I heard that in his next one, he's going to turn into a werewolf and him and an angry crowd of musically capable zombies chase his girlfriend and then stop in the middle of the street and preform a perfectly choreographed dance.
Amy: Wow really? That sounds like the kind of thing that will redefine music videos forever!

Hannah: Phil you would...

by aswizzle October 19, 2010

109๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jason Derulo

Makes many of the monocle bearing internet trolls "oh i say" at the Pokemon hate and the inability to create lyrics of his own.

Oh I say! This Jason Derulo hasn't herd of teh mudkipz!

by shayper October 30, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dog Derulo

You become a type of 'Dog Derulo' depending on how you are feeling, what sort of state of mind you are in.

It originated in Aberystwyth November 2011 and all started with 'Fume Dog Derulo'

Only some words will work.

If you use the wrong word, or become a dog derulo in the wrong situation, you could end up a)looking like a right tit b)ruin the whole 'dog derulo' get-up.

An example of the words you can use,
Steaming - becomes 'Steam Dog derulo'
Fuming - 'Fume Dog Derulo'
Jealous - 'Jel Dog Derulo
Get turned down by a minger, definite cause for - 'Rejected Dog Derulo'

A few other examples;
Good cook? = a Culinery Genius Dog Derulo

'I heard a bunch of geltaidd live in the Sex Pit now, FUME DOG DERULO!!'

'Sex Panthers social on thursday? I'm gonna be STEAM DOG DERULO!'

by SexPantherGaffer December 6, 2011