Information presented in an intentionally inflammatory light without regard for its accuracy nor responsibility for the effect of its presentation, sometimes to drive an agenda but often just to invoke a strong negative emotional response (see "trolling") that can be dismissed by any intelligent person without research or dispute based on the clear biases, logical fallacies, willful ignorance, and crude delivery.
Disinformation is a superset of information that includes attributed verifiable facts, misinformation (incorrect or misleading information presented as fact, either intentionally or unintentionally), disinformation (a subset of misinformation which is deliberately deceptive), and rumors (information not attributed to any particular source, and so are unreliable and often unverified, but can turn out to be either true or false) that is characterized primarily by delivery by idiots and trolls without interest in truth, only in "ratings", "upvotes", or perverse joy from evoking anger and hatred.
We now live in the dismisinformation age, inundated by a flood of disinformation and misinformation that empowers and escalates conflict without regard for humanity, truth, logic, reason, or the cost to human lives and the future of society.
Social media is a dismisinformation tool providing infinite noise to drown out truth; consuming it is akin to drinking radiator fluid in the hope it will cool down your emotions, without observing the warning labels nor caring that it is poison and will actually kill you, slowly and horrifically as demonstrated through many well-known tormented murders.
Purveyors of dismisinformation would suffer from cognitive dissonance if they were capable of believing the crap they were sharing as "truth".
The opposite of misinformation;
truthful statements or accurate information.
I'm so glad that my friends contradicted the misinformation with dismisinformation.