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When you just can't compete....on any level....ever, then that person has dumbled upon you.

I sized him up, drove to the basket, and he smacked my shot 14 rows into in crowd. I got dumbled in front of everyone.

I once tried to conjugate and before i could even predicate, that nucka' dumbled me to pieces.

by PsiBig February 7, 2011

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Wearing unintelligent jewelry

Seriously dude? Wearing a 24 carat gold chain with your hoodie? Stop dumbling...

by ju13s January 20, 2012

222๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


a dum elephant that looks like a dumpling

Yo Dylan, isn't he so dumbly

by yourstruelyme April 15, 2020


A dwarf elf. Elves are already small by nature, dumbles are dwarf elves, very small.

Emily is short she could be an elf, or even a dumble!

by Elflord123 October 28, 2019

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


a gentle, endearing, insult for someone, in a temporary state of unintelligence, causes mild annoyance or frustration.

Neeharika starts eating dumplings with a fork and knife. "Neeharika, don't be such a dumbling."

Samiksha suggests that New York life is better than San Francisco life. "Dude, that's such a dumbling thing to say!"

by pkmax October 19, 2014

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A combination of Doper-Stumble. A confused state of mind or body brought about by over consumption of intoxicants.

As I Dumble down the hallway I realize I have no idea where I am.

by dws1961 February 19, 2013

18๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Dumble" - Verb, to dumble.

The verb to dumble describes the action where some lanky chinese motherfucker peer pressures his friend to hold his birthday at his residence. The party goers then proceed to wreak absolute havoc in the poor lads house.

Drugs are often shared round, with marijuana often being supplied and Ritalin doing its rounds.

At the conclusion of the party, a shit is often found in the neighbours letterbox and many crate bottles are situated at the bottom of the pool.

At least one item of expence must be stolen, usually a laptop. Should this not suffice, holes are kicked in walls to make sure he who is being "dumbled" knows this is the case.

This action is the repeated a week later when the 15 Ritalin wears off each person.

"Oi Ashley, did you go to that party on the weekend?", "Yeah bro, that house got fully dumbled. I think I saw a chair in the pool at one stage".
"I got given so many ritalin that night, the house must have been dumbled".
"wheres a good party to go to bro?", "I heard there is a house getting dumbled down the mount tonight, lets go steal his laptop".

by mytimeanytime October 17, 2013

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