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For seven years

Spoke by 痾屎家 LSC 1D(22-23). He spoke this when having English book presentation. After that, this quote has been made into a meme and a video.

1. Student A: Can I drink wo-er?

Student B: Don't be 'For seven years'
2. Whole Class: For seven years... for seven years...

痾屎家 : Can you guys SHUT UP?!

by Me 87 December 16, 2022

14👍 1👎

the seven-year ditch

When an established couple decides to separate at the seven-year mark.

Several of my friends divorced after 7 years. The seven-year ditch rule must be in effect.

by Xeenie February 16, 2009

11👍 1👎

seven year old

A little kid who says MLG memes on a daily basis trying to be funny. Nobody likes the seven year old and they are a huge embarrassment to the world

Guy 1: Bro, that seven year old tried to be relatable by talking about some 11 year old meme

Guy 2: stupid seven year old

by Mistyman6 March 14, 2023

seven year itch

The claim that a man will or has the urge to cheat around the 7th year of his marriage.

George: So Bill, feeling that Seven Year Itch yet?
Bill: Yea but I've decided to ignore it.
George: Good man Bill, good man!

by Mar_melmo88 March 20, 2007

197👍 99👎

seven year itch

The seven year icth is a point that a lot of couple go through. It is the point when you have been together so long that you are tired/bored with your partner, but you have not been together long enough to have accepted the rythem that is being in a relationship. Some people miss being single and would like a different partner. Other people just miss the freedom of being single and having no strings attached but they do not want another partner. It is a "rough" patch in a relationship.

They are starting to feel the strain of the "Seven year itch." They will get throught it if they try hard, enough.

by angie7349 March 19, 2007

555👍 354👎

seven year itch

1. an urge to commit infidelity during one's seventh year of

2. any major dissatisfaction with a marriage

He's got the seven year itch and expects me to give him advice.

by The Return of Light Joker April 5, 2008

156👍 110👎

seven-year itch

inclination toward sexual infidelity: an inclination toward sexual infidelity, popularly believed to begin after seven years of marriage.

The marriage was a happy one until Ron started to feel that seven-year itch.

by 030366 March 26, 2008

44👍 28👎