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A word derived from Latin word 'gratus'- a person who is pleasant and hospitable, but extremely incapable of adjusting in the formal setting. Also used to describe a person, which is useless, slow in the office, but is actually a great companion outside of work.

That guy came in to office meeting greened out. What a gratas! At least he promised me to share some of that stuff after the meeting.

by dullerwizard69 September 26, 2019


The autistc kid back in your younger years, that would screech things that you will quote later in your life,

William: Whyโ€™d you do that
Mason: Cause Iโ€™m such a Grata

by NotVarun January 24, 2019

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Grata is a term used to describe one that is greatly desired but does not desire others. The person in which this term refers to is often the love interest of many though they feel inadequate. They most likely harbor desirable traits but do not recognize them themselves.

Friend A: I hate everything about me, I wish there was a way I could change myself.
Friend B: Cmon, quit being such a grata. Everybody loves you. Do you not see the line of men wanting to date you?

by jaxdemott February 21, 2017

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persona non grata

(adjective): a person who is not liked and is therefore unwelcome or unacceptable.

(1) After I drank all the beer and wine at the first frat party in September I was persona non grata among the party crowd for the rest of my college days.

(2) After his public sex scandal Tiger Woods was persona non grata at his wife's parent's house.

by Johnny Z. Styles June 17, 2010

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fursona non grata

An unacceptable or unwelcome furry individual at a given event.

1. Dude, that guy jumped on stage in a stolen fursuit, screamed into the mic that the CIA was after him, and punched the Guest of Honor in the dick. He's Fursona non grata now at a bunch of cons. You'll never see him again.
2. That guy tweeted a bunch of bullshit nonsense about the con staff and was permabanned. Total Fursona non grata. Kthxbai.

by Illumiknotty January 16, 2018

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nerdsona non grata

Unacceptable or Unwelcome due to Nerd status.

Due to my nerdsona non grata, I had few romantic options at school.

by Creekimp April 16, 2019

persona non grata

The Institution Known As JP Morgan with Jamie Dimon as its Head

Persona Non Grata: close every account I have with that institution, make sure there is NO CONNECTION between it and any business or personal dealing Motorious is doing now, or has EVER done.

by motorious November 27, 2014

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