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Modifying a vehicle by use of products such as wood or duct tape. contrary to pimping a car, hicking a car adds practically no value, if not decreases to value of the auto

I decided to put a tent on my flatbed truck to go for the hicked look

by Eric September 28, 2004

9πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A derogatory slang term for lower class whites raised in rural areas, usually within trailer parks or hog farms. Generally used more for Midwesterners than Southerners (see: redneck)
General defining characteristics of a hick: Protestant upbringing, usually Baptist; racist and sexist opinions; does not attend collage ; dumber than a post.

That hick Dwayne wanted to take me muddin' in the stripper pits last night.

Have you been to the 4-H fair? God what a hick town.

by glitterfaerie January 31, 2003

4082πŸ‘ 1491πŸ‘Ž

Will hicks

The biggest SIMP in O-Town by far

I don’t always talk to my Bro’s girl but when I do I catch feelings and she ends up feeling bad for me.-will hicks

by lilbuford November 14, 2019


I person from a rural area, usually in the northern states. Unlike rednecks, hicks usually are far out from heavily populated areas. Many dislike the cities and rarely venture there. Many hicks who live in Northern New England are also experienced woodsmen and enjoy the woods.

Look at that hick over there. We know we're in Vermont now!

by The woodsman August 21, 2006

275πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž



A Hick:
-May or may not be intelligent or somewhat educated
-Doesn't go to KKK meetings
-May or may not be imbreeded
-Wears overalls and straw hats
-Doesn't always wear shoes
-Are lucky to have a computer
-Might be seen chewing on a hay straw
-Doesn't drink beer; drinks moonshine
-Doesn't live in trailer parks like rednecks; quite a few live in suburban houses, but most live in the southern foothills, Appalachia, and vast farmlands throughout the Midwest.
-Is less racist and bigoted towards differences, but is still serious about defending whatever their particular way of life may be
-Are usually more hospitable, especially in the mountains of the South, or the massed farms of the Midwest.
-Aren't always as violent as rednecks.

I went down to eastern Tennessee and saw a bunch of hillbilly-ish people, but they were all nice to me, and they were all wearing shoes. I heard some talking about how stupid the KKK was...

by Journey fan August 13, 2004

460πŸ‘ 292πŸ‘Ž


Derogatory term for a someone from the country. Somewhere between a bumpkin an a redneck, though they tend to get wrongly lumped in either category. Unlike bumpkins, they are aware of the world beyond their rural setting, and probably have lived briefly in the city before returning to the quieter life they prefer. Unlike rednecks, they are generally educated, nice people who don't chastise non-religious people and aren't racist.

Loser: Yawl check out the new guy in the mail room? 'Bout time we hired us a real life redneck.
Me: I'd say he's more of a hick.
Loser: What's the difference?
Me: Yo momma.

by Veldrimal December 15, 2004

1440πŸ‘ 1003πŸ‘Ž


1. Someone with a limited and incorrect vocabulary. (usually a 3rd grade reading level)

2. Someone who use double negatives in almost every sentence.

3. Someone who has no sense of who they are. To define themselves, they wear only John Deere t-shirts and have a bull ball sack hanging from their truck bumper and attend psycho pentecostal church where they speak in tongues eat a lot of bake goods donated by their local supermarket.

She's a good christian hick girl that don't never do anything wrong.

by veg91172 July 1, 2009

23πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž