An army assembled by Colonel Homestar Runner to invade Strong Badia. Consists of Homestar Runner, Strong Sad, Homsar, a painting of a guy with a knife, and a popcorn popper. Application fee: $5.
"Cowonaiwe Homestaw Wunnow is wecwuiting the most eweet team of quack commandos to invade Stwong Badia. Do you has what it takes to join the Homestawmy? DO YOU, stupid?!"
51👍 13👎
Do you has?
Do you has what it takes to join the homestarmy? The guts? The determination? The five bucks? Join today!
27👍 12👎
The most elite team of crack commandos selected by Col. Homestar Runner so as to paint the fence some other cool color or put a fake mustache on the tire.
The Homestarmy>you.
24👍 14👎
The army assembled by Homestarrunner to invade Strong Badia.
"Do you have what it takes to join the Homestarmy?"
12👍 9👎