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Jewish nose, similar to a hook.

Brian (Greham Chapman):
I'm not a Roman, Mum!
And I never will be!
I'm a kike, a Yid, a hebe, a hooknose!

by max August 9, 2004

137👍 60👎


adj., abnormally large and hook-like nose
n., girl with abnormally large and hook-like nose

Hey butthole, when are Roman and hooknose gettin' here?

by C. Humphries December 6, 2002

25👍 31👎

Hooknosed Pirate

A person of Jewish faith: Typically a Jew that is over ambitious and "Pirates" another person's idea or invention. They have also been know to exploit small children into helping them. Akin to: Vikings, Sea Pirates and Groundhogs.

That Hooknosed Pirate SOB, I invented the internet! Not him!!

by Busta HymaNutzzy March 1, 2008

17👍 5👎

hooknose bastard

A guy who has a hooknose and acts like a twat.

"merrrr.... I'm trying to lipread!!"

"I'm a hooknose bastard and I act like a twat"

by Ben McArdle March 22, 2006

21👍 8👎