When a typically demure and kind female turns into a complete and total bitch after a few drinks.
A: Last night at the bar, Jane told me she was glad my mom died.
B: Jane said that? But she's usually such a sweetheart.
A: Well last night, she was intoxicunted.
A condition where, when intoxicated, one becomes tactless, abrasive or otherwise inconsiderate to those around them. Property damage, brutal "honesty" and other forms of general asshattery are common symptoms.
Last night, Johnny took a dump in a mop bucket and started telling Antonio that his girlfriend was really a whore anyway. he was suffering from intoxicuntion.
N. Usually refers to one who is drunk and acting desperately for the insertion of a penis. Often someone elses boyfriend and/or his friends.
Are you kidding? Of course she does, look at her; she's an intoxicunt.