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Ithan is a very charming, sweet, intelligent, & very good looking guy. He loves adventures, dogs, and tacos al pastor

Hey look there goes Ithan!

by muΓ±ecademaiz November 24, 2018

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a very shy guy, who is socially awkward, and in some cases scared to talk to girls

"That kid who always sits in the back of our chemistry class is sure an ithan, right?" "Yeah, I tried to talk to him, but he just mumbles."

by lolthatscoolkid October 5, 2011

48πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Really hot kid that hangs with the cool kids and the non cool kids teachers love him and he always has a girlfriend. he usually is in trouble.

Kid1:Woah look at that kid
Kid2: i know hes soo hot hes a ithan

by kfsakfgs September 28, 2009

13πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


A brave and kind man, thats trustworthy and athletic. Has abs and gets the ladies all the time.

Its that Ithan kid! The one in our chemistry class? Yeah, he's amazing.

by Ithan October 7, 2011

10πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž