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The act of giving very small compensation to a hard working waitor or waitress due to a jewish-like self greed.

Tyler: Man this waitress did a really good job serving us tonight.

Mark: Yes, but I am still jew-tipping her.

Tyler: Your such a jew. (see Jew Noun)

by Joseph Pomerening the third September 20, 2009

14👍 9👎

Jew tip

To leave a very small tip

Waiter: You know what, you can take you jew tip back, because you must need it more than me.

Jew: Oh well thank you you little shlinskfdasfdku (Yiddish).

by jdupon21 December 31, 2010

11👍 5👎

Jew Tip

As a former waiter, I can honestly say that Jews as a rule will always leave the customary tip, EVEN IF YOU GIVE THEM LOUSY SERVICE! They will never "stiff" you.

The lady Jew tipped me 15% even though she complained a lot.

by BigMau February 23, 2023