Formally known as dukethakilla, justinlcarter was a famous YouTuber who was known for making Madden, 2k and GTA videos(until he decide to delete his channel😒). Nowadays, he streams on twitch with his most frequent viewers such as elitepotatoboi(who pisses him regularly off but still loves him unconditionally; almost has a lot of kids he calls the TatoTots), tr3ytrey_(funniest nigga in the chat; always roasting him), and others such as Malik, alchemy, cdrizzle, kingdonny, lunk and more.
Guy 1: Hey look, it's JustinLCarter! The guy who was once at the top then fell off like a flaccid penis.
Guy 2: Hey it is! You should go watch his twitch channel "JustinLCarter" if you want to see him again