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1. A series of raised linear or globular protuberances on a metal surface to aid in gripping.
2. The tip of a penis.

1. I get my knurling done at the public lathe in Bridgeport.
2. Please touch my knurl.

by Deez Nuts on Joe Mama's Face January 25, 2010

10👍 3👎


The name of a specific thing that has no name, or who's name you can't remember, but which your audience will instantly recognise by the name "knurl" when used in a sentence.

"The knurl on my iPod is bung, so the volume is stuck full on" or "You need a special knurl to open the battery compartment".

by Gr@w/!x March 12, 2011

2👍 3👎


A pattern of straight, angled or crossed lines is rolled into the metal in a machining process known as knurling.
Usually done with handles of tools or instruments, to reduce the chance of the tool slipping out of your hand.
pronounced with silent "k" same as gnarly with silent "g".
Sometimes confused with gnarl or gnarly.

Where did you learn how to knurl, bro? That's a bitchin' knurl you did on that metal hammer!
That is gnarly knurling, man! Ha ha ha ha ha!

by shobuz99 July 19, 2021