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Loop the Loop

Either a dance or sexual intercourse. Referenced a lot in the musical entitled "Bye Bye Birdie".

Mr. Macfee: Don't just stand there, my daughter is about to loop the loop with a fiend!"

Eursula:"You said it yourself we've got a lot of living to do Motorboat races, midnight swims and loop the loop!"

by BMPowell19 February 9, 2010

64👍 24👎


n. an old synonym for 69, describing the sexual act of mutual oral stimulation.

God it was hot when Betty and Rachel looped-the-loop.

by paddlenaked March 26, 2004

28👍 15👎

loop the loop

A cockney slang that means "soup".
Also "looper".

Gimme some more loop the loop.

by magicianfromriga July 21, 2010

15👍 15👎

Loop de loop

When your driving and you don't know where you're going, and you miss the exit, and instead of saying u-turn you say you have to make a loop de loop. You say this so ease the pain of realizing you actually have to turn around. It sounds less harsh than having to take a u-turn.

I missed the exit! I just have to loop de loop and then we'll get there!

by Melicho Nonny December 9, 2010

58👍 51👎

Loop de loop

A place where you smoke weed, drink alcohol, or have sex.

Let's go to the loop de loop and have fun!

by Duckduck March 12, 2017

9👍 34👎

self-loop d' loop

The act of taking your own pecker and inserting it into their own behind

Hey, I heard George is a ps4 player so he must like to self-loop d' loop Himself.

by Ywwb January 15, 2020

loop my loop

Wrap your asshole around my asshole

Can you loop my loop

by Guffnut October 22, 2017