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the political use of tactics such as defamation

people use mud-slinging everywhere these days.

by Light Joker March 30, 2006

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mud slinging

the act of fingering a girls asshole instead of their vagina, on accident... bro.

i was petting my dog last night, and ended up mud slinging her.

by abc123abc456 February 26, 2011

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mud slinging

the act of deficating in your hand and throwing it across the room or corridor in an attempt to pelt some one therefor giving them pink eye

nurse-what could have possibly happend that you could have gotten pink eye

you- i know exactly how! billy-joe was mud slinging at me.

by pootdoodle February 9, 2009

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Sling Mud

The act of liquid defecation such that the inside of the bowl is covered by shit.

That burrito went right through me. I'm gonna go sling mud.

by NetworkDr July 18, 2019

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Slinging mud

This is what you do after you finish eating at the local mexi fast food joint and you have a serious emergency.

Uhh! I'm gonna be slinging mud for a week after that meal.

by jonny techmore September 21, 2009

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gun slinging mud flinger

An unimaginably agressive vehicle (generally a large pick up truck), created by the hand of God specifically to tear up any sort of dirty mud hole it can seek out across the United States (Farm fields, dusty dirt roads, muddy pipelines, etc.)

Nice truck Ryan, looks like a real gun slinging mud flinger. Let's take this bitch through the neighbors cornfield, I bet those swampers can handle it.

by BigDaddy_31 May 24, 2017