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NEDIUM is a rare mineral only found in the shantytowns of SE Asia. When taken orally with water it will give a person the percieved ability to always be in the right.

It's known side effects are pronounced shrinking of the male genitalia, general grumpiness, enlarged vocabulary, grammatical imprecision, extreme superciliousness, the wearing of rough textured skirts and a penchant for half melted Toblerones.

My friend Balders took his daily dose of nedium and proclaimed that fish breath through air not water...given the power of this wonder drug I reluctantly had to agree with him...which, of course, made us both wrong...he then onzed a local Hublot wearing businessman for no apparent reason as is his way...

by baldricksrightnipple May 25, 2012

3👍 2👎


NEDIUM is a rare mineral only found in the shantytowns of SE Asia. When taken orally with water it will give a person the perceived ability to always be in the right.

It's known side effects are pronounced shrinking of the male genitalia, general grumpiness, enlarged vocabulary, grammatical imprecision, extreme superciliousness, the wearing of rough textured skirts and a penchant for half melted Toblerones.

My friend Balders took his daily dose of nedium and proclaimed that fish breath through air not water...given the power of this wonder drug I reluctantly had to agree with him...which, of course, made us both wrong...he then onzed a local Hublot wearing businessman for no apparent reason as is his way...

by potwhorethreadcrapper May 25, 2012

1👍 1👎