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cool ass bitch everyone loves her.

probably of south asian descent and has lots of friends.

focuses on grades and want to achieve great success.

person 1: ayo did you go to neeha's party? that shi fye as hellll.

person 2: i love neeha.

by November 30, 2020

14šŸ‘ 7šŸ‘Ž


She's just a girl

Person: Hey Neeha what's up?
Neeha: Not much

by WxllFlxwer November 3, 2016

5šŸ‘ 3šŸ‘Ž


A popular sex noise most kids make thinking they are proper cool in year seven

Iā€™m gonna fuck her tonight ima make her go neeha

by Ipsy Jack September 25, 2020

3šŸ‘ 5šŸ‘Ž


istg, can this girl stop laughing during presentations?

(im just kidding honey, I love you)

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i guess she's nice? and pretty ofc.

Also, she is best at bocce ball

Dang man, have you seen Neeha play Bocce Ball against Trevor?

Of course dude, she totally destroyed him!

by tax.evading.frog November 24, 2021

1šŸ‘ 1šŸ‘Ž


Used in place of the word niggah. Often by scared white teens.

What's up my neeha, where da party at.

by T-bone April 22, 2004

20šŸ‘ 19šŸ‘Ž


the brown girl who is funny and radiates good vibes


often clapped

strong dislike for semi colons

oh look its neeha

oh hi neeha, i mean beast

by skrantoz January 14, 2022