A genial expression of close affilliation best expressed by unexpectedly tapping a friend, relative or associate in the genital region, with the back of one's hand usually with the intent of causing mild discomfort or pain. This can escalate over a period of time into a situation in which the nobtap may be performed at the most inconvenient or inopportune moment, with the intention of causing maximum embarassment. The response (or rather lack of one) from the tappee might be insinuated as reflecting the prowess or endurance of the recipient, causing even greater anxiety for the tapper in the form of events yet to come.
That little fuck Simon nobtapped me in the jewels when I was on the phone, really made my eyes water. I'd have twatted him right back but I fear that he enjoys any form of bodily contact, no matter how perverse.....
A genial expression of close affilliation best expressed by unexpectedly tapping a friend, relative or associate in the genital region, with the back of one's hand - usually with the intent of causing either mild temporary discomfort or pain. However, this can escalate over a period of time into a situation in which the 'nobtap' might be performed at the most inconvenient or inopportune moment, with the intention of causing maximum embarassment. Any affected response (or rather lack of one) from the tappee might be insinuated as reflecting their prowess or endurance, causing even greater anxiety for the tapper in the form of reciprocal events yet to come.
That little fuck Simon nobtapped me in the jewels when I was on the phone, really made my eyes water. I'd have twatted him right back but I fear that he enjoys any form of bodily contact, no matter how perverse.....