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British slang for pedophile

That guy in the van is a nonce

by Poo86 December 27, 2018

1001πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


British derogatory term for a paedophile. Can be used as an insult.

Carl's a right nonce

by imnotatory January 13, 2020

117πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Used by prison staff, to explain the segregation of inmates who were convicted of sex crimes towards children and the other inmates



Prisoner W23899 is a nonce.

by ads July 27, 2004

1995πŸ‘ 495πŸ‘Ž


A guy who roams the streets looking fir children.

For example pennywise is a big fat nonce

by OI BLUD! December 8, 2017

104πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


a person who perves on little girls and loves to talk and touch them . They also get exited when ever they see a young girl

β€œNah g why is rhys such a nonce”
β€œHonestly he perved on me for 3 months”

by Suckyourmumsie.com June 5, 2019

314πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


a deviant, a sex offender;
from acronym NONCE, UK prison classification for prisoners deemed at risk from attack from other 'regular' prisoners because of the sexual nature of their crimes
NONCE = N ot - O n - N ormal - C ourtyard - E xercise

'Oy , Glitter ! You're a nonce, you are !'

'Five measly quid - Five quid ? Is that all ? You're a nonce, Hill... a Nonce !' - Little Orphan Boy to Harry Hill on The Harry Hill Show, 1996

by wiseninja April 2, 2006

426πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž


1.) Slang term for a person who has committed crimes of a sexual nature, particularly pedophilia, esp. in the United Kingdom. Comes from the acronym used in prisons to describe said individuals: Not On Normal Communal Exercise. Also used occasionally as a general insult, regardless of the tendencies of the person to whom the word is applied.

2). Also, somewhat obscurely, a term meaning 'the present or particular occasion.'

1). 'Ere, this nonce pedobear is in for right ear-boxing if 'e don't stay away from the main prison population.


Ay, mate, what say you lend a chap 5 quid, eh? No? Oh, what a right nonce you are!

2). I say old chap, it appears that I have been incarcerated because pedophilia is rather illegal for the nonce. Fortunately for sexual deviants, the legislation is becoming more and more lenient as time goes by in good old Great Britain.

by YellowBanshee August 4, 2007

289πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž