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Nosey Bastard

A Nosey Bastard is far nosey-er than just your regular Bastard. A Nosey Bastard can typically be found asking what kind of psycotherapologist you will be seeing this weekend, attempting to figure out your relationship status, and trying to comprehend non-binary people. They just need to know everything about everything, and no longer get invited to Thanksgiving dinner.

*They are typically old and may remind you of a certain Boomer.
**Not to be confused with Nastard (Nasty Bastard).

Nosey Bastard> ArE yOu A gIrL oR a GuY???? I cAn'T tElL BeCaUsE oF yOuR sIsSy HaIrCuT!!!!!
Non-binary person> I'm a human. What does it matter anyway?
Nosey Bastard> nO, bUt WhAt Do YoU hAvE iN yOuR pAnTs?????
Non-binary person> Oi, don't be such a bloody Nosey Bastard.

by mhm_yeah_nah February 26, 2020

10👍 3👎