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or•tho•sex•ual \ ôr th -ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -ˈsek-shəl


1. A person sexually attracted to others of the opposite sex and disposed to engage in biologically correct sexual behavior, i.e., sexual behavior that is biologically natural, normal, or typical.

2. (Sociology) a person sexually attracted to persons of the opposite sex and does not deviate from sexual behavior or conduct considered socially normal, usual, or acceptable.

3. (Psychology) a person erotically attracted to the opposite sex and disposed to sexually behave in a natural, normal or typical manner. A person free of aberrosexual or psycho sexual disorders such as bisexualism, fetishism, homosexualism, lesbianism, necrophilism, sadomasochism, scopophilism, voyeurism, zoophilism, etc.


1. (Biology) of or relating to biologically correct sexual behavior, conduct or practice; that biologically conforms to the norm or nature; of or relating to the opposite sex.

2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications) of, relating to, or involving correct sexual intercourse;

3. (Sociology) of or relating to, and, therefore, considered socially acceptable or correct sexual behavior.

4. (Psychology) of or relating to orthosexuals or Orthosexuality; or characterized by sexual attraction, arousal or desire toward the opposite sex.

Synonyms: sexually correct, appropriate, healthy, sexually normal or typical, heterosexual

Antonyms: sexually aberrant, aberrosexual, homosexual, sexual deviant, sexual pervert

1. Edward, being free of psycho-sexual disorders, is orthosexual.

2. Only an orthosexual minset produces well-adjusted, truly gay human beings.

3. Thomas defends orthosexual conduct for all members of society.

4. Psychologists should help aberrosexuals live a healthy, orthosexual life.

by Ortho Communicator January 14, 2011

167👍 219👎



or•tho•sex•uality \ ôr'thə-sĕk'shū-ăl'ĭ-tē\


1. The sum of the physical, functional, and psychological attributes of a gender’s biologically correct, natural, normal or typical sexual behavior, conduct or expression.

2. (Biology) Sexual activity, behavior, conduct or expression that is biologically correct, natural, normal, or typical of the male or of the female; the sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex.

3. (Sociology) The sexual behavior, conduct, or response universally considered socially acceptable, proper, normal, or usual.

4. (Psychology) The psycho erotic attraction to members of the opposite sex; the disposition to sexually behave in a mentally sane and biologically correct, natural, normal or typical manner. The quality of being free of psycho sexual (i.e., aberrosexual) disorders such as bisexualism, fetishism, homosexualism, lesbianism, necrophilism, sadomasochism, voyeurism, zoophilism, etc.

5. (Sexology) The biologically correct expression or response to sexual attraction or erotic arousal; the biologically correct expression or response to one's male or female gender, especially vis-á-vis genitalia and reproduction.

Synonyms: sexual correctness, sexual appropriateness, sexual healthiness, sexual normality or typicality, also improperly referred to as “heterosexuality”.

Antonyms: sexual aberrance, deviance, or perversion, aberrosexualism, homosexualism

1. Edward thoroughly enjoys and gaily admits his orthosexuality.

2. Only orthosexuality can produce sexually well-adjusted, truly gay human beings.

3. Thomas defends orthosexuality as the healthiest and gayest sexual behavior for all members of society.

4. Psychologists point to orthosexuality as the standard of sane sexual conduct.

by Ortho Communicator January 14, 2011

134👍 184👎


Orthosexuality is a sexual orientation of being sexually attracted only to sexually mature individuals of the opposite sex, and of the same species.

"Look at that attractive, healthy-looking 18-year-old fellow human of the opposite sex over there! I want to get naked with that individual."
"Why do you flaunt your orthosexuality?"

by Tochterlieber March 25, 2014

14👍 34👎