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Papučar, pronounced papu-char. a medieval manservant, literally meaning “slipper boy” or “slipper man” in English. Used in balkan and certain eastern bloc nations, particularly in the countries of the former Yugoslavia.

It describes a devoted, supportive and doting husband or boyfriend who seemingly lives to be helpful. easy and giving.

Goes beyond just providing, yard work and doing maintenance. He probably does the dishes or laundry. enjoys cooking and brings his wife her slippers.

Similar but different to the concept of nebbish in ashkenazi culture.

Papučar can be used as either a term of endearment or derogatorily depending on context and the country.

compare with “nebbish” or “golden retriever energy”.

contrast with “henpecked” “or pussywhipped”.

note: the zoomer generation equates it to being a simp and started using the terms interchangeably.

jebeni papučar, nikad više ne izlazi (serbocroatian: fucking papuchar, he doesn’t go out anymore).
jesh burrë? ose papuçar? (Albanian: are you a man? Or a papučar?)

I’m a bit of a papučar, bro. I can’t help it, it’s just my temperament but atleast I found someone who appreciates it.
moj dragi papučar (serbocroatian: my darling papučar)

by tomislavtheboss May 30, 2022



Look at him, he is such a papučar, he would do anything for his girl

by djordjedjoledjoka June 19, 2020

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