Source Code

Pigs Ear

To make a right mess of things, to bollocks up a task, either at work, or driving the car, making a faux pas.

a I was filing back some documents and would you believe it, I made a right pigs ear of it, I misfiled everything.

b I made so many spelling mistakes on my document, I made a right pigs ears of it, my boss got the right arse ache. He asked me if I had heard of a spell checker.

c I was backing the car out of the garage, I overshot the drive and smacked it one against the gate post, scratching it. 'What a pigs ear I made of that one'

by HILLY B June 11, 2008

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Pig Ear

A Well defined Vagina

That's one mighty fine looking pig ear you have there

by The Dermotologist October 20, 2013

Pig's ear

Pig's ear, slang for beer.

Jon, while your up mate get us a 'Pig's ear'.

by SteveV November 15, 2007

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pigs ear

australian rhyming slang for a beer.

"oi johnno ,grab us a pigs ear when you get me a dogs eye with dead horse".

translated - hey john, can you please get me a beer ,when you get my meat pie with sauce.

by wackyv8 June 11, 2008

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Pig's ear

Cockney rhyming slang for beer

Bloak: you up for havin' a few pigs mate?
Yank: naw dude, i'm married.
Bloak: "pigs" you wanker! pig's ear = beer! get it?
Yank: o yeah, haggis all around! haha.

by REV777 December 16, 2006

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Pigs Ears


"Lets grab a few pigs ears for the ride home"

by RyanSmith February 1, 2009

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pig's ear

cockney rhyming slang meaning 'beer'.

"let's go down the rub-a-dub and have a pint of cold pig's ear."

by The Doctor October 21, 2004

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