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pissbottle {pronounced, "PĬS'bŏtl"} (n.)
One of those plastic lidded urinal jugs that you often see in hospitals & nursing homes. Sometimes sold through consumer medical catalogues under such names as JOHN, JANE, FEMINATOR, etc.

{Mark} Hey Martha, can you please hand me the pissbottle next to the bed?
{Martha} Fuck off Mark, why don't you just toddle right over to the toilet and pass micturition like a grown-up!

by Telephony June 23, 2014

22👍 5👎


Any bottle that contains urine.Preferably with a lid, for multiple storage and disposal options.
Can be abbreviated as PB.

When someone is to drunk to make it to the bathroom they may use an empty bottle next to the bed to piss in.
When we were stuck in traffic Joe had to piss in his empty water bottle or he would have pissed himself.
Most pissbottles are clearly identifyable and cannot be mistaken for anything else.

by PERMWORD34 February 29, 2008

15👍 5👎