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1.Use of a power tool (Or similar device) to create another venue for penetration, most often non-consensual.

2. Sexual fetish involving the use of tools (powered or otherwise) to achieve arousal and/or stimulation.

"See that hole in her side? They say that's where Billy Ray powertooled her... she's never been the same."

"Yep, powertooling will do that to yah"

by Samo652 February 17, 2008

36👍 21👎


el capitan of the tool family, loser extrordinairre, someone who has a big head and talks big game, but every knows this person is lame and shuns/clowns him/her

will cirimele is a powertool.

by tyrell April 23, 2003

45👍 9👎


a powertool is one who exhibits traits of a trully mookish manner. one who is so annoying that one minute with him/her makes you want to beat them like a cheap rug till they leak blood. in other words a worthless fucking waste of air. in other words someone so dense that their witlessness astounds.

look at that powertool over there mackin on that hoe. kid got no game.

by goon March 13, 2004

10👍 9👎


When calling someone a tool simply does not cut it.

See: super douche

Check out that powertool in the banana-hammock.

by FauxRealFauxReal April 27, 2017

2👍 1👎


An incompetent employee in a position of authority who always abuses their power and generally acts like an asshole.

John - 'What's is Rick's fucking problem?"
Stan - "He's dumber than shit and so he uses his VP title to fuck with his employees. He's a powertool, bro..."

by Mr.Welch November 3, 2009

5👍 5👎


a vibrator

A powertool is a dyke's best friend.

by Bud December 12, 2003

8👍 14👎