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1. Trolling out loud, a person who trolls outside of the internet.

Person 1: Hey guys, did you know that the swine flu is caused by illegal aliens coming across the border?
Person 2: That's completely unsubstantiated and false man
Person 1: Yeah but did you know that Obama plans to make our country a Islamic theocracy?
Person 2: *sigh*
Person 3: You just got TROLLOLED

by Samo652 May 4, 2009

39👍 34👎


1.Use of a power tool (Or similar device) to create another venue for penetration, most often non-consensual.

2. Sexual fetish involving the use of tools (powered or otherwise) to achieve arousal and/or stimulation.

"See that hole in her side? They say that's where Billy Ray powertooled her... she's never been the same."

"Yep, powertooling will do that to yah"

by Samo652 February 17, 2008

36👍 21👎