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A mf who plays fortnite all day , scores full marks on his test because of his best friend .( Usually Punjabi )

He usually spits uncontrollably on people while talking and has one of this smallest dics known to mankind

Man ridik really do be loosing at fortnite

by Von stiroheim September 27, 2020

1👍 2👎


Where to start when describing Ridik? I guess I'll just start with this; Ridik is the most caring person you could ever meet. You probably don't even know how much he cares about you. I don't think you will ever know, since there is no way to describe how much he cares, and don't let your overthinking mind make you think he doesn't. He is not like any other you have met. He is in fact different from others but, that is what is great about him. Normal people are boring and he is well the opposite of that. Even though he doesn't have the best viewing of himself, he is absolutely AMAZING. You have no clue how he doesn't see that in himself. He may think that he is ugly, annoying, or just not good enough, but to you, he is perfect in every single way. Sure he likes to annoy you sometimes but that doesn't stop you from loving him so so much. And I'm sure he loves you just as much as you love him(which is a lot). When you're sad, just talking to him makes you less sad. His face brings a smile to your face. Seeing him makes you so happy, but sadly you can not see him all the time:( He isn't the best at conversations but, that's ok because neither are you. You guys can be awkward together lmao. In the end, he is the most AMAZING and AWESOME person ever and you love him VERY much!

Ridik is Ridik, and that is what makes him the best.

by TheBestPersonEverToExist July 19, 2022


Wrapping your legs around someones head and bum tapping them

Dude id absolutely ridikou that girl shes hot

by Wongdangdong June 17, 2021