Source Code


When someone goes crazy on IRC and threatens to kill/harm another person as a result of an argument.

You hear that Sally wanted to kill Bob last night?
Yeah, she really went Segmental.

by runelind May 1, 2006

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When you don't exactly know what you're saying to executives so you decide to just conjure up some bullshit...

Exec: How is the IVR performing?
Employee: Oh, its working just fine. All of the processes are segmentating as they should be.

by leche82 November 16, 2017

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johnny segment

One who does not finish stories told.

Who are you dishing out stories in chunks? , Johnny Segment!

by Stephen Lee (Mighty Boosh Quote) April 11, 2006

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Segmentation fault

v. the end-result of compiling and causing execution of faulty code that declares wordJihad/word against sections of memory where it is not bound to. Often results in a wordCore Dump/word.

20:52:05hc@builder:~$ uname -a
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

by hc May 3, 2003

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External secant segment

An external secant segment is an obscure math term that sounds like you're describing a retarded piece of shit. Call someone this if they're being extremely fake and gay

External secant segment: ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธeter

retard: shut up secant

by external secant segment November 4, 2018

feline segment

a line segment with cat ears and whiskers

guy 1:"quick help me study the vocab for the math quiz."

guy 2:"ok whats a feline segment?"

guy 1:" uhh i forgot that one."

guy 2:" ok then what's a line segment?"

by pete eats meat January 20, 2010

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feline flagellated segment of a fece female parent inseminator

A polite way of saying the phrase, "pussywhipped piece of shit motherfucker.

This blender is a real feline flagellated segment of a fece female parent inseminator -- the little fucker can't even make a stupid margarita and always reeks like burned wires!

by Telephony October 10, 2016

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