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v. to run an item lightly between your butt cheeks before you present it to another, normally done by waitresses or food service personnel.

I hope the waitress doesn't sluice our buffalo wings before she serves them to us. OR I hope she does sluice mine.

by pete stolzer December 10, 2006

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private word which has the same meaning as 'slut' use this when girls are around. see also 'slu'

yo dog, i got some sluice ready to get biz, whats your deal?

by erb February 6, 2003

14πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


The act of splashing toilet water up into ones soiled crack and using your non dominant hand to clean your dirty ass.

Ray had no toilet paper at the cabin so he had to resort to Sluicing .

by DCseattle August 14, 2019

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Sluice Bidet

Cleaning one's nether regions by dipping said regions in a stream of running water, such as a creek or a storm drain on a rainy day.

"Dude, I had to take a dump, but couldn't find any TP, so I went out to the creek and did a sluice bidet."

by word burgler March 5, 2015

Pelzer Sluice

God’s unholy contraption. A cruel and heinous means of torture in which a helpless human being is chucked into a machine via a conveyor belt and enters the Pelzer Sluice where the person is callously skinned alive. The skinless corpse comes out of the machine on one end and the victim’s skin on the other.

After interrogating the man for some time, the cartel leader decided to have his men take him to the Pelzer Sluice where he was consciously flayed.

by Internetica October 21, 2023

poop sluicing

Sifting through one's poop to find, "treasure". If ever you swallow drugs in effort to smuggle in contraband you will understand...

Hey Mana! Check out this watch I found while poop sluicing! I think it's antique!

by poonanni October 1, 2021

poop sluicing

Sifting through one's poop to find, "treasure". If ever you swallow drugs in effort to smuggle in contraband you will understand...

Hey Mana! Check out this watch I found while poop sluicing! I think it's antique!

by poonanni October 1, 2021

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