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Someone who goes from a bad moon, to a chipper mood, in a blink of an eye.

Jane's sourpatchness is really bumming me out.

by Floyd Knight February 28, 2009


To do something horrible to a person and then give them a hug and smile.

Punch someone in the kidney and give them a hug.
EX2: Me: SOURPATCH Friend: Wha? *Punches friend with brass knuckles and hugs him* Friend: aww its okay

by Kaleb....shady kaleb.... July 15, 2010

23👍 9👎


Verb: when someone's sour, rude, short, or mean to someone and then they come back and apologize and be sweet

She was sourpatching today when she realized she was pms-ing and apologized

by LillCoker August 16, 2019


(1)A human orifice, bodily opening, or mortal wound that is infected, or is excreting bodily waste. (2) An asshole. (3) A southerner's snack.

(1) Bonnie: Fuck you, Billy!
Billy: Suck on my sourpatch!
(2) Carl: I could suck on a sourpatch
for hours.

by Frank Monroe September 21, 2004

15👍 18👎

Sourpatch Kids

A group of underage girls who spread STI's

Dude 1: "Hey man i heard you were with Jenny last night, isn't she part of the Sourpatch Kids?"

Dude 2: "Shit man I hope not, i've already been swabbed 6 times this month!"

by peteypablo204 December 16, 2009

18👍 25👎