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The Great Reset

A plan by one group of super-rich twunts to finally address climate change but ultimately keep the capitalist status quo, which other super-rich twunts (e.g. coal, gas, oil, and media outlets owned by the likes of Rupert Murdoch) don't want (for obvious reasons) and so are spinning as the dreaded (*spooky thunder*) Marxism/Socialism/Communism.

Whereas, in fact, The Great Reset will probably never take off and if it does it would merely be the cliched Band-aid on a gaping wound and not seriously address the systemic symptoms of Capitalism. e.g. the ever growing disparity between the rich and the poor.

Either way, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and anyone buying into The Great Reset or the opposing propaganda are being played like fiddles.

The Great Reset in Bill Gates' plan to microchip us all and enslave us

by Sven Svenkill December 21, 2020

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The Great Reset

Starting over, or redoing it all created by the YouTuber: Ryan Trahan on his series “I survived on $0.01 for __ days”

Katie: Hey did you see Ryan Trahans new video?

Ben: No what video?

Katie: The video where he got reset

Ben: Oh you mean The Great Reset?

by Anonymous102002 June 27, 2022

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The Great Reset

You rawdog your partner until you're about to climax, then you pull out and put on a condom. You are given a small intermission to calm your nerves, and start off again where you began; thus, you are given double your allotted sexual performance timeframe.

I used to be a 20 pump chump, but the I learned The Great Reset, and now I last as long as every other man!

by MrLarose July 24, 2021

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Great Reset

An agenda set precedent by the stakeholders of the elite (i.e. WEF, UN, Interparliamentary Union, Group of 30, BiS, The Round Table & NGOs) who believe the population to be too numerous and mentally deficient in addressing the problems regarding resource availability and pollution.

The primary aims is to reduce the standard of living in all countries with lifestyle concessions in the form of UBI through either SDRs and/or CDBCs following an operandi modus of environmentalism propaganda, Gaia-Earth worship, and constant catastrophism of impending dooms. False flag operations includes spills to seize land, pandemics to seize control over movement, digital infrastructure shutdowns, the buying up of all farmland by Vanguard/Blackrock, the intentional destruction of economies through financial derivatives/rapid interest rate changes/bond defaults, global replacement of populations through proxy wars and refugee crises to kill the native populations and various other pontificated means of introducing increasing surveillance, control and other technocratic means as modelled in China for a new-era of neo-capitalist feudalistic corporatist fascism/technocratic scientific dictatorship. Privileges will be earned in proportion to the utility of the individual, and energy usage is tracked/behaviorally controlled through CO2 emissions. Forceful medical interventions (i.e. usage of GMOs, IoB devices, purported vaccines, Brain-Control Interfaces) as developed by DoD/DARPA will be applied.

The Great Reset is an opportunity to reimagine, reshape and redefine our world towards a more logical and refined basis, a path to direct the evolution of mankind and bring it to prosperity through global coordination without absolution. The hoi polloi lack the facilities and capabilities, as well as the means to be aware of their limitations. All humans will be assigned a utility score, as a product of their energy usage, their intelligence and cognitive-personality profiles to assess their technical capabilities. No more useless eaters will live to 90 and squander the resources, no more pink-hair dysphoric ill teenagers; drugs, enforced euthanasia, LGBTA+, wars, famines, restrictive laws and all necessary procurement of macroeconomically damaging policies of austerity will be used against the populations until total compliance and submission. Such inability to resist in face of open-determination can only mean that we, are the arbiters, of humankind and not the bug-villium that riddle this earth.

by Geopolitical Strategist February 21, 2023

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Great Reset

The Great Reset is a proposal by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy sustainably following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom's Prince Charles and WEF director Klaus Schwab. It seeks to improve capitalism by making investments more geared toward mutual progress and focusing more on environmental initiatives. It has been criticized for using the pandemic to implement a risky experiment and a petition to stop it gained 80,000 signatures in less than 72 hours. A conspiracy theory has spread in response, claiming it will be used to bring in socioeconomic and environmental changes and a supposed New World Order.

Wealth inequality is so bad that I welcome the Great Reset.

by DjinnHeyoka December 12, 2020

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Great Male Reset

The “Great Male Reset” is a multi-faceted concept conceived by Evan Spencer Campbell who was born and raised in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

Campbell later discovered that the words "The Great Male Reset" appeared to first be used publicly in an article by Tyler Cowen (Marginal Revolution, March 8th, 2014) regarding another article by Binyamin Appelbaum (The New York Times, March 7th, 2014).

Campbell began using the concept and, as he has stated, “theory in development”, as a response to a now undeniable, and potentially concerning, societal shift whereby many men and boys have decided - or indeed been forced - to stop pursuing higher education (i.e. university degrees) in favour of returning to apprenticeships, trades, and their personal passions regardless of the second and subsequent order effects this may or may not have in regard to their ability to attract females and indeed establish any form of serious romantic and/or long-term relationship with them (particularly as husband and wife, for example).

Campbell also explains that men and boys - as mentioned above - will likely return to the more traditional and labour intensive jobs that most men and boys did throughout history (whether that be trades or otherwise) and which were fulfilling, thus men and boys will return to the morals and values of men and boys of the mid to early 20th century -
regardless of whether they have women and girls in their life - in what Campbell refers to as the “Great Male Reset”.

“We are seeing a societal shift called the ‘Great Male Reset’ whereby males are deciding not to go to university and are instead focusing on trades, apprenticeships, male camaraderie, freedom, and pursuing their passions instead of wealth and members of the opposite sex.”

by ESCTAS1992 October 23, 2022

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the great reset

You go back to 0.01$

Bro ima donate 50k to activate the great reset

by Shæt April 27, 2024