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someone who twistss everything that two celebrities do to make it look like they're in love.

That stupid bitch on LiveJournal is such a tinhat! She thinks that just because Brendon looked in Jon's general direction that they're in love.

by miss_music666 July 30, 2008

282👍 75👎


Tinhats are people who believe ridiculous stories. They are low level paranoid people with no real understanding of science or research. The tinhat itself refers to the iconic foil hat worn by characters cowering from 'cosmic ray's, as portrayed in around a million hokey Hollywood films.

Aka conspiracy theorists.

The tinhats love a good 9/11 yarn.

by Londoncity March 17, 2015

56👍 13👎


Somebody who believes that "Dom and Elijah are omgawd one twu wuv!"

They usually are very stupid people who will twist any situation, like Elijah tying his shoe, into proof that Dom and Elijah are in fact gay and together.

Dom = Dominic Monaghan, Elijah= Elijah Wood

See above

by Michelle March 14, 2004

77👍 181👎