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the accused one of pulling the wool over someone's eyes, someone who is mischievious

Why, you tomfooler! Your birthday is really tommorrow.

by Anonymous October 31, 2003

13👍 1👎


Synonym for Troll; used in the formal sense.

2021: "We do a little trolling."
1821: "We participate in the occasional act of tomfoolery."

by Vl4dm1 Putin June 23, 2021



There is tomfoolery going on this magic act.

by uberduper October 15, 2009

3👍 2👎


verb; to trick

I just tomfoolered you!

by YlwDucks September 14, 2022


The act of tomfooling is to find a mate named tom and begin tomfooling his dick in a duel.

"Tom and I had too much to drink and we got into a little bit of tomfoolery last night"

Moral: Don't be a tomfool like these guys, TomFooling.

by AsianSpiderMen October 12, 2019