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Derived from transgender.

#1: A person "fooled" by the Democrat lame stream media to commit sex change without ramifications to future endless medical treatments, usually blaming/condemming conservatives for their own decision to attempt a sex change, usually triggered thinking that disassociation by sex change would alienate them from conservatives they despise.
#2. Mental instability bordering on insanity describing a sex change person and the mental accuity behind the logic to get a sex change.

Joe Biden referenced his followers with low IQ dupped by ignorant political bias, as the transjester people being mocked and ridiculed by the conservatives.

by GarageSailor June 12, 2023

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A misspelled word said by Joe Biden (originally โ€œtransgenderโ€)
Would probably be used widely in 4chan for the next few months
Reddit mods would probably ban this word
Would probably be a slur in wiktionary
May be included in conservapedia/rationalwiki

Transjester would probably be more popular than covfefe

by Lixie_ July 4, 2023

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž