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Twactor (n.) - Not to be confused with a person who can’t pronounce their “R’s” trying to say “Tractor”. A twactor is the factor or characteristic that makes someone a twat.

“Why is Becca such a twat? I can’t put my finger on it
“I think her twactor is her lack of genuineness and her constant eye rolling

by mfanimals September 4, 2019


Twactor ; Twacting.

1. The merging of two words. Twat and Actor. Tw'actor.

2. Substandard acting that runs the whole gamut of emotion(s) from 'a' to 'b'.

3. Usually depicted by Z list 'actors' ( either newbies, washed up TV /radio presenters, game show hosts and other such 'personalities') with no ethical grounding or real world ability providing poorly choreographed visual and audio sound byte 'skill sets' to the entertainment industry that target consumers through constant airplay overkill. Mainly ascribed to ads promoting financial marketing (esp life insurance, hair and make up products , oral hygiene and dentistry products, incontinence pads / sanitary wear products and home furniture)

4. Presenters on shopping marketing channels

5. Product details pitched to an audience that entail deliberate dumbing down and pointless word play (i.e light reflective shine ), usually backed up with unrealistic fictitious statistics (i.e 83 percent of 51 women agreed), lack lustre wooden delivery and, in most cases, far too much emphasis and reliance on CGI, sound enhancements and sparkles.

6. NOT Jonathan Ross discussing agricultural machinery in 'Farmers Weekly'.

She says that their products are NOT tested on animals. Has she ever read the regular dictionary definiton of 'Homo Sapiens' and their place within the 'animalia' kingdom sphere? What a twactor!

Thespians consider themselves too noble than to be seen rubbing shoulders with the lower echelons of the twacting fraternity. And let's face it, who can blame them, they're a fuckin' embarrassment.

Most actors provide the performance of a life time when it comes to a divorce court settlement pay day. Most cut their teeth in the twacting profession after all.

"I didn't know Oral B made a toothpaste" she said delivering the cue whilst in a dentists chair with an UHD camera locked onto the enamel of her incisors. Lorna Nickson Brown twactor exemplar.

by Sevestapol Holiday Rep March 16, 2019