1. All of y'all. You too
2. The two of you
Come on utoo! We gonna be late!
Your one if the #MeToo violators. You have harassed a male or female and are in denial.
I was not charged for the offense when she charged me with sexual harassment for touching her vagina. No other witness, no charges. #UToo
#uToo användes för första gången som hashtag för att bekräfta en status. Kan betyda många olika saker. I många sammanhang kan den helt enkelt påvisa att du har skrivit något dumt och att du borde använda din hjärna eller inte skriva alls på ett, ironiskt sätt. Sågs första gången oktober 2017 då Officialmaangeh skrev den åt hanssonandre på instagram.
#uToo was used for the first time as hashtag to confirm a status. Can mean many different things. In many contexts, it can simply prove that you have written something stupid and that you should use your brain or do not write at all in an ironic way. Saw the first time in October 2017 when @Officialmaangeh wrote it to @hanssonandre on instagram.
Someone writes: #hungry
You can use it as: #uToo
Someone writes something stupid
You can write #uToo instead of telling them that they are stupid they might start thinking.