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The new hole formed when the section of skin between a girls vagina and asshole gets torn either by a baby, double penetration, or someone ripping it.

I had to get my money back because that whore had a huge vagasshole.

by jmstriker16 November 30, 2004

59👍 18👎


The official term for mermaids' genitals. Mermaids/sirens have one elimination and reproductive opening i.e. "Vagasshole"

The Starbucks mermaid is 3 inches short of showing her vagasshole in the popular company logo.

by Lruss March 21, 2016


noun. VUH-jass-hole. The product of two formerly separate orifices joined by an overzealous episiotomy.

That doctor was so scalpel happy, I now have to deal with this pesky vagasshole.

by stc387 February 20, 2014


the technical term for a male with a weird dimple that makes it seem like he has both a vagina AND and asshole...or just two assholes

Dude, Paul has a wicked vagasshole

by MANDINGO 610 July 30, 2009

7👍 5👎


When a woman is missing the barrier between her vagina-hole and her asshole. Thus causing one very large hole. Most likely when said woman's barrier has been exhausted due to too much and/or extreme intercourse.

Other causes: Double or multiple penetration, Extreme Fisting, Sodemy, Child birth

Catherine got gang-banged at the ice-skating rink when she was in high-school. Now she lives in a trailer, has three kids, a drinking habit and one very large vagasshole.

by Dianne Supplebum December 15, 2013

3👍 2👎


Vagina and ass put together.

“I was pounding that vagasshole yesterday, Tom.”

by Cheek69Clapper February 12, 2019