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a person, (usually one with left-leaning political sensibilities), belonging to a neo-secular religious cult, who embraces the new religion of pathogen-fear-worship. These zealots worships at the altar of media-promoted and government-induced panic-porn and intellectual-fear-masturbation. Characteristic traits most closely resemble the mental health condition - hypochondria, but with the additional characteristic of the intent to virtue-signal their own worth and the worth of others based on the amount of fear one is able to be publicly exchange or display relative to the others within that respective social group. Within those groups, fear is monetized, prioritized, socially incentivized, and exchanged as a form of social currency used to purchase, sell, broadcast, and extol the following sentiments: reverence, ego, rapport, faux-virtue, adoration and admiration. Adherents to the religion engage in a friendly rivalry that most closely resembles a sort of alarmism-olympics and panic-competition, wherein they emote either an actual or feigned sense of trepidation in order to decide the social hierarchical ranking and status within the group.

Man, those vax-cattle are begging for state issued vax passports, its almost akin to Israelites wanting to be issued star of David armbands.

by bobbysixkillr April 8, 2021

10👍 1👎


also known as "branch covidians" are people (usually those with left-leaning political sensibilities) belonging to a neo-secular religious cult, who embrace the new religion of pathogen-fear-worship. These zealots worships at the altar of media-promoted and government-induced panic-porn. Characteristic traits include virtue-signaling their own worth and the worth of others based on the amount of fear that can be publicly exchanged within those respective social groups, where fear is exchanged as a form of social currency used to purchase, sell, broadcast, and extol the following: reverence, ego, rapport, faux-virtue, adoration and admiration.

Man, the media have become modern day televangelists for the vax-cattle.

by bobbysixkillr April 7, 2021

3👍 1👎