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Pronunciation: 'vΓ€-"ment
Function: noun or verb
Etymology: Conjunction of vommit and comment.
1. Vulgar, inane, off-topic, rambling comments to blogs, forums, news, reviews, etc. 2.verb -mentΒ·ing, -mentΒ·ed the act (tense) of numerous comments (vomments) to an internet body of work, articles, blogs, reviews, etc.

"These numbskulls continue to vomment on your blog posts?"

"Man, why do people keep vommenting on my digg submissions?"

by gordy April 28, 2007

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or vommenting; the act of spewing constant remarks about something, sometimes pointless and othertimes needed.

omg,lacey, u should totally vomment on that blog on facebook.

dude,whats lacey doing?
she's vommenting on facebook.
oh god,not agian.

by sex_goddess June 16, 2008

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a mixture of the words "vommit" and "comment". Usually refers to people who post stupidly long comments on facebook which resemble a vommit of poorly thought through ideas and meaningless garble.

Nathan: "Did you see Eric's vomment on his own status?"

Stephen: "Yeah. 90% or his facts were wrong and his points didn't even make sense."

Nathan: "It was almost as if he puked all over his own status."

by Jonathan Moron February 13, 2014

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1) When something someone posts in response to your social media posts truly irritates you to the point of near illness.

2) When a frenemy--the last person whose opinion you care about--posts repeatedly on all of your important social media posts.

3) When you can't think of any reaction other than to become physically ill in response to someone's post. Each additional post about a similar topic only makes it worse--a more biting betrayal of all that is holy and good.

Did you see what he said in response to your post? He just vommented all over your wall!

by Hapaxlegomenon123 May 12, 2014

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a commentt that is left on the innternett that iss so annoying, gross,and uncalled for you couldd literally throw up on it

did you see thaat hoe ashleyss comment to leo shess soo annoyingg who does she think she is im gonna vomment on it

by baddestbitch72409 November 19, 2009

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Verb. To leave a long, rambling, often incoherent comment on someone's blog.

That blog post made me so mad, I vommented.

by asking68 July 1, 2009

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A word used for when some one leaves a shit comment on your post or otherwise

(Fig1) Dave: Hey John did you see that fat cow Sarah vommented on your post.
John: Yeah I did she's always talking shit.

(Fig2) Post: the weather is good today.
Sweaty Mike: Not like you go out often enough to know.

by Got Ice Tea January 11, 2015