The effect of excessive speed-shipping. When someone attempts to acquire massive amounts of virtual friends, i.e Facebook Twitter Instagram friends/followers and becomes too overwhelmed with the resulting posts in their newsfeed.
#1. My speed-shipping game was so strong, that I caused myself to enter into a webbervex!
#2. The only way to remove the overwhelming webbervex is to begin pissing off virtual friends (that you don't actually like or care about in real life) so much that they unfollow, unfriend you.
The effect of excessive speed-shipping. When someone attempts to acquire massive amounts of virtual friends, i.e Facebook Twitter Instagram friends/followers and becomes too overwhelmed with the resulting posts in their newsfeed.
My speed-shipping game was so strong, that I caused myself to enter into a webbervex!
The only way to remove the overwhelming webbervex is to begin pissing off virtual friends (that you don't actually like or care about in real life) so much that they unfollow, unfriend you.