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In wich a male has a selection of females who will preform sexual acts at any time, day, or place that he rotates through from time to time.

Im sick of bangin that same slut Jess for the last couple days. Think im going to whoretate it up tonight and call Stephanie.

by HOVA613 May 3, 2011


Someone who collects whores. This person may sleep with multiple whores at a time and/or collect his whores' panties.

Look at that guy. He's such a whoreter.

by NotAWhoreter February 13, 2014


When you are acquainted with a male or a female who enjoy the frequent partaking of sexual activities, yet when they are presented with this fact are oblivious to the extend of their whoring.

"My friend Jessica doesn't understand that her new boyfriend insists on using a condom because she has been used more than a choir boy in a Catholic church!" "Really? Wauw, she should really get some help for her whoretism!"

"My friend Lars is collecting sexual diseases like children collect pokemon cards and he seems oblivious to where they come from! And he sleeps with a new woman every night! I wonder if the doctor could cure his whoretism?"

by Mandasm May 20, 2022


A girl who cheats on her boyfriend and enjoys attention from multiple guys flirting with her. Posts nudes on VSCO and Instagram. You don’t want to date a whore ting they’ll break ur heart.

Charleigh is a “whoreting

by Houndskin April 22, 2020