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Mispelled form of the state name, Wisconsin.
Also known as the Badger State, but not because it actually HAS a lot of badgers but because when it was first settled, miners dug holes in the side of hills, much like badgers, to create overnight shelters and semi-permanent homes.

I'm glad you LIVED in "Wisconson", because I'd hate to possibly live next door to an imbecile who can't even spell the state's name right.

by Don't matter. May 21, 2007

27👍 7👎


A midwestern state where:
Everyone has a fixation on the words "Don't you know?"
EVERY winter your driveway freezes over.
There are about 5 good-looking in the entire state.
Everyone's mood revolves around ONE football team.
The Biggest city there is known for its beer (AND has a crappy baseball team named after that fact).
Is known for its badgers.
Having dead things on the road and nobody really cares (or cleans it up).
The Biggest resort area is in the middle of nowhere, and you can't go there half the time cause its too DARN COLD!!!
The one saving factor of this state?

I should know. I LIVED there.

A place that you should never live. Unless you're offered a million dollars.

by Rice March 16, 2005

16👍 72👎


the largest suburb of chicago il.

the only thing wisconson is good for is cheese, ammo, bait, beer brats, and fire works...all of which you can find in the same store about 2 miles north of the wi./il. border

by jizzle dizzle July 24, 2006

9👍 46👎

Wisconson bukkake special

A Wisconson bukkake special is a race between two guys to cum in a girls mouth. To start out, each guy must milk the girls tit until they have an entire glass of milk, or until the woman cannot produce anymore milk. They then chug the milk as fast as they can. When they are done drinking they masturbate, and the first person to cum inside the girls mouth wins.

Yesterday, John and I had a Wisconson bukkake special, and the girl could not feed her baby because we drank all her milk.

by IAkaFool October 16, 2007

182👍 66👎

wisconson suprise

When you have incest with your furry cousin

Did you see all that fur that went flying when I gave my sister's dog a wisconson suprise.

by PootIsCupcake February 13, 2016