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the love of my life he will never do anything wrong he is the physical embodiment of everything good in this world he's the definition of perfection there is absolutely nothing wrong with him he is flawless lastly he is the epitome of happiness and joy

jeon woong send tweet

by woonglover69 October 24, 2020


fizz's bf, the love of bee's life

fizz cried over woong today 😿

by blushcix October 13, 2020


A beast who is physically and mentally black to the core.

Yo, I heard that new kid at our school is a woongs!

by thelegendarywoongs May 4, 2017


a hot sexy fucking bitch who wants handjobs and a fuck under the stars.

wow that woong wants to moondance

by radishhyub April 7, 2020


He is very nice and kind. He hates aegyo but is good at aegyo. He is very good at sleeping and eating. He alway holds kind smile. He loves sylvaninan families.

He is Tae-woong

by Jimje November 23, 2021