the art of not being stoned.
zober is to stoned
sober is to drunk
God damn, I only just became zober.
2š 13š
Zoberism is defending the rights of zbars in all over the world.
Zoberism movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for Zbar's rights, including the right to: vote, hold public office, work, earn equal pay, own property, receive education, enter contracts, have equal rights within marriage, and maternity leave.
I am zoberest and I am happy to be part of these Zoberism movements.
A person, usually a teenager, who tries to impress but fails miserably.
Often have very short hair and keep riding their cheap modified scooters in circles to impress girls.
Joe: "Here comes William on his ear-destroying motorcycle again..."
Jack: "What a zober..."
Zyn Sober. When you were once totally shitfaced, but used a 6mg+ pouch to achieve the required headspace to ~potentially~ drive home.
Guy 1: Hey man, can you drive us home when we get back to afters?
Guy 2: yeah man, Iām Zober.
the act of shitting in ones under-britches because of physics
Matt: Hey Sean, d'ya study for physics buddy??
Sean: No, man i went home and tried to but I quickly became Zobered and ended up doing laundry instead
Matt: ahhh, happened to me last week..
the act of shitting in ones under-britches because of physics
Matt: Hey Sean, d'ya study for physics buddy??
Sean: No, man i went home and tried to but I quickly became Zobered and ended up doing laundry instead
Matt: ahhh, happened to me last week..