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dream grudge

Carrying a grudge toward a person after waking up from a dream where they did something bad or mean to you.

When my boss asked me why I snapped at him this morning I had to apologize and tell him I was still holding a dream grudge against him for firing me in my dream last night.

by dxgri January 27, 2008

1716๐Ÿ‘ 326๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get two birds stoned and kill them

When a shortcut fails badly.

Instead of killing two birds with one stone, Joe tried to get two birds stoned and kill them.

by mrnmrst April 6, 2017

1926๐Ÿ‘ 621๐Ÿ‘Ž

mix in a water

When you are too intoxicated and you need some water to help sober you up.

*Stacy takes 7 shots in a row*

*Stacy dances on elevated surface*
*Stacy falls of elevated surface*

by popplockanddropit September 7, 2017

1142๐Ÿ‘ 394๐Ÿ‘Ž


While texting a group of people you and one of the people in the group also have a private texting conversation

I side-texted Vin to give me excuse get out of Jay's group message to hangout.

by Dk683 October 5, 2014

8690๐Ÿ‘ 5960๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stashing is when you're in a relationship with someone and you refuse to introduce them to your friends and family; mostly because you view the person as temporary, replaceable, and/or you're an asshole.

Friend: "Hey have you met John's parents yet? You've been together for months"

Stashee (or person being stashed): "No, I think he's stashing me. We don't have any pictures together either."

by ๐Ÿคท August 23, 2017

1940๐Ÿ‘ 271๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mental health food

Food that does not benefit your physical health or well-being, but sure as shit makes you feel awesome while you're eating it.

My vegan hippie family have been feeding me salad all week. I just wanna watch Gilmore Girls and eat mental health food.

by rexmortus January 26, 2018

1544๐Ÿ‘ 264๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of drinking a beverage without stopping/slowing down/taking a break for air.

Billy: "Yo, did you see James over there? He's babybottling that soda. Must be thirsty."
Dante: "Damn, he'd better come up for air."

by Potato_Land January 7, 2018

1189๐Ÿ‘ 538๐Ÿ‘Ž