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The personal quality or state of competency to politically lead a country just as good as the incumbent 'Leader of the American Societal Theatre (LAST).

Hey dude, can you teach the international community how to collectively gain equiPOTUScy in order to face that Falsehood of an American President (FAP)?

by EndgamePuncher September 3, 2017


The absolutely final & irreversible fall of Satan (in the so-called 'bottomless pit').

Just as the definition of 'satacalypse' states & nothing else implied.

by EndgamePuncher November 21, 2019


to execute your current status of your free will without taking any social nor ethical evaluation of it into account or to put it very short: 'uncritical doing'

actively respecting the old folk wisdom of thinking before acting prevents society to become prone to any serious rate of overal satanization in respect to the accumulated practical decisions people make during the course of a day

by EndgamePuncher October 28, 2019


In short: someone who keeps open the possibility that there is a conspiracy. However there is more to it: a professional conspiracyhypotheticus takes both the risks and the severeness of the consequences into account. This results in a simple analytic outcome in the form of four quadrants.

The most critical quadrant of these is the one that multiplies the risk of the hypothesis that there would be indeed a conspiracy going on times the true impact of the respective consequences for those people who will have to live with those consequences. This is especially the case if the consequences are not reversible and/or not viable for neutralization of their effects.

In case vaccines for viral & malicious biological agents that cause potentially more damage to the patients there is absolutely no moral ground for government agencies to make such vaccines mandatory including indirect mandates such as exclusion for the public transport system for the non-vaccinated ones. This abstract reasoning makes the importance of taking into account very unlikely arguments within a critical & professional discussion very well defined. Therefore any conspiracyhypotheticus of the reasonable and serieus type deserves not only respect, but als an appropriate amount of courtosy because the social & reputational risk of being ridiculed must be compensated.

by EndgamePuncher January 3, 2021


The social class of people who sincerely strive for transitional while continuous improvement of the quality of both the social & societal status quo.

Person #A: "Where can I sign up for that club of fellows who dare to compete with globalist elites?”

Person #B: "You mean those foolish braggers who have the presumption to declare the mighty illuminati to be nothing more than a bunch of amateurs or even 'easy prey' for spiritual activists?"

Person #A: "Yeah, those dudes who persistently refuse to back down for the 'New World Order'?"

Person #B: "Nowhere, you ignorant piece of hopelessness! Listen carefully, I will explain it only once: there ain't no association called 'The Ascensiati' nor any kind of other organization you can become member of! The term 'ascensiati' is just only a informally defined term which can easily be abused by inexperienced men within the dating scene to try to impress the other sex; while off course those guys get what they deserve: instant rejection. But to be serious again: if you set course for humanity towards (proverbial) Heaven then you are automatically included in that indeed ambitious, but pseudo-scientific-sounding, subset of wannabe-intellectuals."

by EndgamePuncher November 6, 2017


A dialogue in which the perspective of conspirational phenomena are not dismissed as too improbable to legitimize the spending of focus and attention on it. These phenomena include not only the potential plot itself, but also the factual signs that either indicate in favor of the perspective to be at hand or actually advocate against it's probability and/or it's associated severity of the negative consequences might the plot be succesful.

Any kind of online conspiralogue on the topic of a certain vaccine these days must effectively deal with the issue of censorship policies of the platforms where the conspiralogue could be hosted in a stable manner.

by EndgamePuncher January 3, 2021