The theory that providing assistance to a losing situation will not improve upon it. It would be better to capitalize on a winning alternative, or to improve one's own situation.
"Has anyone seen our Jungler?"
"Are you winning lane?"
" You should never expect a Jordan-Gank"
Verb: Pulling a "Sorensen" often refers to abandonment in the most extreme form. Often referred to as a hate crime, pulling a "Sorensen" often takes place in the company of close friends with no ill-will towards the offender.
Those who commit this offense may be considered on the spectrum, or require mental help. An intervention may be required to correct this activity.
"Hey, i think James may be about to commit a Sorensen."
"Again? He did it last week and still hasn't spoken to me"
An environment that promotes competition and camaraderie. Once you are a part of it, you are trapped and will indefinitely be surrounded by fantastic people. The first instance of a Boomtown was founded by Jordan Friedman in January of 2019.
"I wish i could meet some gamers that have always have a positive attitude towards life"
"Well i dont know about ALWAYS, but come try Boomtown!"
Conciderate: When an individual forgets know how to spell "considerate" but doesnt want to be questioned on their actions
Gosh Aly! Be more conciterate!
You mean considerate?
The action of providing assistance to an area where it is needed most. Many believe they are the ones in need, but only the one preforming the Gank action understand the reasoning.
"You have admitted weakness, and therefore are dead to me... I will not gang you"