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The other vagina.

When my boyfriend wanted to put it in my ass, I told him , "Get thee behind me Satan!"

by ezmom63 November 7, 2015

2👍 4👎


1) British Broadcasting Corporation, this definition more frequent in those born before 1985.
2) Big Black C****

Tonja, born in 1963, listed at the top of her online dating profile that one of her likes was BBC... She was surprised at the photos of "members" she received.

by ezmom63 February 21, 2019

61👍 28👎

to Soft

Verb (Softing, Softed) Extremely light caressing strokes with fingertips across skin, when done correctly ALMOST tickles & causes chills down spine. Not sexual in fact but can be made so if stroking the appropriate areas.

I'm very tactile and I love to SOFT Marvin's skin.

by ezmom63 March 23, 2023


Slick and slippery combined usually used to describe,sex with profuse production of genital and other body fluids.

Sex with Marvin last night was so slickery that I almost slid right off !

by ezmom63 July 19, 2016

8👍 4👎

Nip it in the Bud

1) to trim a plant stem where buds appear to encourage more flowering or leaf growth instead of stem growth
2) to stop anything prior to it growing larger or more extreme, related to #1
3) to obtain a small amount of weed and/or other substance that belongs to someone else without their knowledge
4) to pinch or grab someone's buttocks in a playful manner CAUTION: current sexual mores require obtaining signed & notarized document of consent prior to engaging in this behavior

1) To encourage additional blooms, take each stem and nip it in the bud after the blossom has faded
2) I tried to play sick to miss school but Mom nipped it in the bud by taking my temperature
3) Every time I get weed from Cooter he nips it in the bud then expects me to throw him some
4) I feel free to admire my man's fine ass & to nip him in the bud since I obtained the required document of consent.

by ezmom63 July 30, 2019


1) Historically refers to female genitalia
2) Americans consider it among the most foul & obscene word in the english language
3) a favored term (correlated to #2) used by misogynists, delusional femi-nazi phobic conspiracy theorists, males who feel they've been wronged by a female & those males who've actually been wronged by a female to derogatorily refer to a specific female and/or female subgroup
4) used, without negative connotation, by either sex to refer to female genitalia especially when engaged in hard core, rough and/or freaky sexual activities
5) JUST A WORD, despite history of negative & intentionally malign usage, that is transmogrifying* in many countries to include multiple usages & definitions that include but are not limited to

a) a friend or group of acwusinyta
b) a person of either sex whose behavior irritates or angers the speaker
c) inanimate objects that refuse to perform as expected or provide difficulty to user in any manner
d) allegedly a tech acronym C.U.N.T.) for various expressions but some challenge the validity of this definition feeling intent remains aligned with derogatory usage per definition#1 based on tech industries large population of males with limited or no expertise/experience with the female species and the industry's history of misogynistic social media posts, meme & gifs

*Word credit to Calvin & Hobbes cartoonist

1) She removed her shorts revealing a beautiful cunt
2) & 3) That cunt thinks she's hot shit but don't trust her

4) My cunt is so wet right now.

by ezmom63 July 30, 2019


Sobriquet for a festive female sexual partner who's willing to try almost anything.

It's an acronym: Adventurous Naughty Ass Lady

Damn that bitch was anal! She let me fuck her in every orifice!

by ezmom63 March 22, 2023