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wasted or drunk enough to be stupid shit

She is so punched right now, she just got with that guy over there.

by holloway August 10, 2017

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A misspelling of Festivus

festivous is not Festivus

by holloway December 19, 2006

48πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Geezer Teaser

An insult for a bad movie employing former A-list (now Z-list) celebrities, especially old male action heros, to spend only a few days acting in a movie so that it can be promoted with a known star. The movie has cheap production and very bad quality.

It's unclear whether the term refers to the the audience for such a movie (old people tricked into paying for a bad movie by a former star who only their age group would recognise), or the elderly actor cashing in on their reputation for very little effort.

The insult implies that the movie's production is a passionless cash grab, tricking an audience into paying for a movie with known actors but with minimal effort elsewhere. Such movies may have a cliché story, bad acting, bad cinematography, bad special effects, and so on, because the production was churning out movies.

Steven Seagal is in so many Geezer Teasers these days

You can skip 'Contract to Kill' it's a Seagal Geezer Teaser

I'd watch that Geezer Teaser

by holloway March 8, 2022

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When on 'The Pill' a girl gets a pill sheet marked with days of the month. For most of the month the pills they take have an effect, but for a few days every month there's apparently no need for them to take any additional pills. To keep it simple however the pill sheets contain pregancy-friendly sugar pills to keep the girls in the habit of taking a pill every morning. When a girl is taking these sugar pills, she is coasting on the previous weeks dosage.

"I haven't been taking my pill for the last few days"
"I don't need to, it's the sugar pill, I got back so the others next week"
"So you've been coasting?"

by holloway January 3, 2004

13πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Teeth. They chomp food so they're called chompers.

"Nice chompers Bronwyn"

"He has false teeth, his chompers fell out"

by holloway April 10, 2013

106πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

grass roots

Genuine public opinion for an issue, in particular communities and individuals rather than political organisations or companies.

The antonym of grass roots is astroturfing.

Nuclear disarmourment has grass roots support.

by holloway August 17, 2004

62πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Flatten and Reinstall

To format and then install a computers Operating System, typically due to being hacked.

From a technical perspective this involves formatting at least one partition.

The "Flatten" comes from a hurricane analogy; flattening the landscape and having to rebuild from nothing.

You've been hacked and they got root? Flatten and Reinstall.

You listened to a Sony CD? Flatten and Reinstall.

by holloway June 30, 2006

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž