One who desires to be felched. (eg. Yes! Yes! Cum in my ass!....Now suck it out, bitch!)
Bryant Gumble. What a flech bait.
88π 65π
bed in which one masturbates. (see wank trough)
Jesus Christ was born in some fucking farmer's wank pit.
44π 13π
Bed in which one masturbates. also called wank-pit or slapmatress
Dick Cheney's bvds are fused to his wank trough.
36π 4π
an ingrown pubic hair--usually infected, my accompany pimples
Dr. Laura rubbed ointment all over her schluds.
39π 8π
a puddle of semen, vaginal discharge, santorum, or any mix thereof
My dog left a huge spluddle on my neighbor's back.
30π 2π
That off-white pastey goo that collects on an unwashed perenium. (taint puddy)
Ane Coulter left snozzlefroz all over the bikeseat.
38π 10π
1. drunk
2. really, really drunk
3. (most common) Christ-raping, skull-crushing, badger-felching, amazingly drunk
I'm so slossy, I could lick the smegma off a mountain-goat's taint.
I'm so slossy, I could eat the ass end of a menstrual skunk.
I'm so slossy, I could fuck Ann Coulter.
62π 13π